APRIL 17, 2008

(MSC = Motion; seconded; carries unanimously, unless otherwise noted)

Present: Dick Sonderegger, Madeleine Follett, Lance Bushey, Karen Suponski, Elaine Thoms (arrived 8pm)

Call to order 7:35pm

Review previous minutes

  1. MSC to approve the February 21 board meeting minutes.
  2. MSC to approve the March 18 special meeting minutes, with the exception that 24-D be changed to 2-4-D.


Dick noted that he received an herbicide catalog that listed 2-4-D for sale in bulk quantity for a starting price of $14,000.

Discussion re sending out the special assessment bill (approved at the special association meeting) to homeowners – Dick and Sue to work on that. Make note on the bill that the assessment was approved at the meeting.

Treasurer’s report reviewed.

Annual association meeting date set: Sunday, June 8, 4:00pm, with a cookout at 6:00pm. Meeting notice to be mailed out by May 10. Karen will make signs.

One item to be discussed at the annual meeting is the 2009 (?) road maintenance contract. When Rich Thoms’ contract expires, other people have expressed interest in bidding for the job.

Beach cleanup scheduled for May 4th.

Beach sign being painted by Sue Nilsen before it goes out for lettering.

Motion to adjourn 8:20pm. Lance seconded the motion.


Respectfully submitted,
Karen Suponski, Secretary