OCTOBER 2, 2007


(MSC = Motion; seconded; carries unanimously, unless otherwise noted)


Members present: Dick Sonderegger, Madeleine Follett, Sue Nilsen, Lance Bushey, Steve Walczewski, Rich Thoms (representing Elaine Thoms), Jim Moloney (Weed Committee Chair), Karen Suponski


Call to order 7:35pm



§         MSC to waive the reading of the previous board meeting minutes

§         Treasurer’s report presented. New mailbox for the lower road has been ordered (Madeleine needs to be reimbursed for the purchase). Cost is $1440, includes pedestal and freight. Replacement street sign for the lower road should be in soon. Sue will contact Rich when it arrives re picking it up and getting it installed.

§         Web site - Dick reported that the new web site is up and running.

§         Road report presented. Stone has been purchased for filling in where needed.

§         Beach report – floats will be brought in this fall. Need to dispose of tires. Jim Moloney took down a portion of the gate that was in disrepair.



§         Old portion of W.Lakeview – Madeleine reported that the new neighbors (Nadine and George) moving into 27 W.Lakeview inquired about having the old section of W.Lakeview roadway graded up to their house. This section of road borders the back of Moloney, Mele, Thoms properties. Jim reports that it is full of very large trap rock and would be expensive to grade and make passable. Madeleine told the new owners that they can bring their request to the board if they wish. Discussion was tabled.

§         Horses – Sue Nilsen brought up the issue of the horse groups that ride through the neighborhood and leave droppings on the road. Sue will get the contact for Granby Horse Council. Dick will write a letter asking that the group pick up after they ride through.



Jim Moloney reported that the committee had their first meeting last month. Discussion about solutions being implemented by the community, the association, and individuals. Dick will forward to the board members the minutes of the meeting sent to him by Rosemary Wilson.


Linda Knorr is looking into creating a nonprofit organization for the administration of the weed mitigation activities (finding sponsors, raising funds, work with the community, etc).


An initial letter has been drafted for notifying the abutting landowners. Jim to speak with Dick about the particulars of including the final letter on the web site (put a link to “weed interest” and FAQ’s?).


The committee has been in contact with a company called Aquatic Control Technology. The gentleman that runs it is the on-call consultant to the state DEP for invasive plants. He quoted $750 to perform a field survey of Manitook Lake. The survey would provide a management plan on controlling the weeds, with a written report. His company can also be hired to perform the weed mitigation. He felt that an herbicide is the best method for controlling the milfoil, but he will detail other solutions in the report as well.


Aquatic Control Technology has performed weed mitigation and field surveys for Congamond, Highland, Bashin Lakes in the state, to name a few.


The Weed Committee recommends that we get the survey done now (Oct 19 is the last date to perform for the season before the cold weather sets in and the plants die off). It will be important to know the cost of the weed control before we try to start raising money to pay for it.


Jim recommended that everyone take a look at the DEP 2004 survey that was performed on our lake (can be found on the DEP web site) and compare the progress of the milfoil since 2004.


Discussion re validating the consultant’s credentials and possibility of obtaining other quotes. Jim felt that if they tried to get another quote that another year would pass before any action could be taken (due to the lateness of the season). Madeleine has a friend in the DEP who knows and recommends Chuck Lee of the DEP as a source for validating Aquatic’s credentials. The association will contact Chuck Lee and see if he will validate/recommend Aquatic Control Technology.


Discussion re funding the field survey. Weed Committee is budgeted for $300. They need $100 for postage for their mailing(s). The Beach Committee donated their operating budget of $200 to help fund it, as the weed problem affects the quality of the beach area as well. Board to donate the 5% discretionary fund of $350:

            $200 Weed Committee

            $350 Board Discretionary

            $200 Beach

            $750 total


MSC to allocate $750 for the field survey, contingent upon the recommendation from Chuck Lee of the DEP.



Madeleine reported that a 16-box unit is the largest available. We need 17 boxes with the addition of the Laudati’s #70. She contacted the Post Mistress in town who agreed to let us use the smaller of the two parcel boxes as a mailbox for #70. Not sure if that parcel box needs to be rekeyed.


Rich will contact the Post Mistress regarding placement of the new box (turn the box to protect from snow plowing from the highway; possibly move to opposite corner)



MSC to adjourn meeting 9:25pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Karen Suponski, Secretary