Annual Meeting Manitook Lake Association- July 10, 2004


Meeting called to order at 9:10am.


Susan Hackett read the minutes of the last meeting (June 30, 2003).  The minutes were approved.


Sue Nilsen presented the treasurer’s report.


There was discussion of the weed situation in the lake.  Introduction of “weed-eating carp” was discussed at length.  The final resolution was that Lance Bushey and Linda Knorr were to discuss this possibility with the appropriate state authorities.


Water quality was discussed as an offshoot of the weed discussion.  It was agreed that we should get involved in sampling and monitoring the quality of the water in our lake.  Linda Knorr volunteered to research the costs and effort required to set up such a program.


Gene Suponski reported that our roads had weathered the winter fairly well and that the spring road work day had been successful.  He volunteered to build and install new signs for our streets and intersections.  The expense for this project was approved.


The situation surrounding 67 Lakeside Drive was discussed.  The house is now vacant and is in the process of being turned back into a 1-family dwelling (with an apartment in the basement).  Speed, traffic, and noise problems have abated. 


The board members were duly elected as follows:     

               President – Dick Sonderegger

               Vice President – Dick Omohundro

               Secretary – Susan Hackett

               Treasurer – Sue Nilsen

               Roads – Gene Suponski

               Feeder Brook/Lake Health – Lance Bushey, Linda Knorr

               Beach – Elaine Stuart Thoms


New business:

Recommendation made and approved to have an Association-wide “Road Clean Up Day” something in the fall.  This would involve pulling trash out from the underbrush and taking it to the dump.  We will also endeavor to remove all unused vehicles, trailers, equipment, etc from view.  This may require some Association funding (for removal, dump runs, and the like).  Limited funding at the discretion of the board was approved.  Date and time to be announced.


Budget was approved and current dues maintained at $170/per year.


Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.


Respectfully submitted,


Susan Hackett
