Annual Meeting Manitook Lake Association- June 30, 2003

Meeting called to order.

Treasurer’s report presented.

Dick Sonderegger presented information regarding new insurance coverage and provider (with a premium reduction of $964.)

New dock for the association beach was approved and is in progress.

Linda Knorr presented information on opportunities to conduct water analysis of the lake. She will research the cost of doing this and funding for this project will be addressed at a future special meeting.

New position was approved to work with the current Feeder Brook position and monitor lake health.

John Laudati presented information on the Tilcon permit ending in 2 years and concerns that they (Tilcon) may try to move their gravel operation to the east side of Manitook. He advised association members continue to be vigilant in observing Tilcon’s behavior and in attending any associated meetings, hearings etc.

Association information will continue to be posted to the Web Site Bart Barker created for us. All association members were urged to obtain and use Internet access to stay informed of Association business.

Dick Sonderegger reported for the Roads committee that it had been a very hard winter and the Roads budget was completely gone for the closing fiscal year, but that a great deal of good work in fixing the roads had been completed.

Elaine Thoms reported on the Beach committee that the dock was being fixed. She raised the possibility of fixing the beach by rototilling the grass and cleaning up the clods of grass etc. She also asked to increase the beach budget to pay someone to mow every two weeks.

There was a discussion of the weeds in the lake and whether some could be the problematic strain of Eurasian millefoil. That is not clear and will be researched.

The board members were duly elected as follows:
President - Dick Sonderegger
Vice President - Dick Omohundro
Secretary - Susan Hackett
Treasurer - Sue Nilsen
Roads - Gene Suponski
Feeder Brook/Lake Health - Lance Bushey, Linda Knorr
Beach - Elaine Stuart Thoms

New business: Problem reported on West Lakeview with illegal zoning (R 30 Zone used as a multi family house.)
Problem reported (from same property) excessive speed, reckless endangerment.

These problems will be discussed at the next board meeting.

Recommendation made and approved that the Lake Association join the Salmon Brook Watershed Association.

Suggestion was made to increase speed limit signs and speed bumps on lake roads. Roads committee chairman will develop a plan.

Budget was approved and current dues maintained at $170/per year.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Hackett

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