Class Information

Besides making cool stuff, I also teach cool classes and workshops to cool kids, cool teenagers and cool adults. (Hey-If you're going to overuse a word, overuse it in a big way!)

This fall I am offering 2 children's classes and 2 adult classes at the Guilford Art Center. I will be teaching an eight week adult glass fusing class and an eight week enameling class. For kids I will be offering an eight week glass fusing class and an eight week small metals and enameling class.

I am also teaching a weekend Glass Fusing Workshop in Guilford.

At Expressions Pottery Studio in East Granby, I will be co-teachng an adult pottery class with the brillaint and talented Susan Giddings!

At the FVAC, I will be offering an adults glass fusing class (8 weeks long) and a weekend enameling workshop as well as a weekend holiday gift-making workshop. Hope to see you there!

At IS183, in the Berkshires, I will be teaching an introduction to Glass Fusing workshop.

For more information on my classes and workshops, click the links below.

Guilford Art Center


Farmington Valley Art Center

IS 183